
this is part 17 from the journey it's a long journey(360 day) so go please check previous parts , and if you need to walk in the journey with me please make sure to follow because I may post more than once in 1 Day but surely I will post daily at least one 😍.

And I will cover lot of tools as we move on.

Download app_017


if you follow part 9

cd location/DevOpsJourney/
git pull
cd app_017/

replace location with where you put the DevOpsJourney

if your new go to part 9 and do same steps will download old lecture files and new one.


In this short tutorial we are going to share data between 2 containers using volume


in this app_017 I add something to docker file (only for container1)

volume ["/app/share"]

it's mean we are going to create a volume attached to it while building the image


I am going to build my images


docker image build -t app_017_1 container1/

we can notice that he create the volume while building


docker image build -t app_017_2 container2/

running containers and share data

magic is here

on the left

docker run --rm --name app_017_1 -exec -it app_017_1 sh

we need the --name here because we are going to use it to mention the volume in container2

inside the shell

echo "Hello i am inside container 1" > share/file.txt

echo is an linux also windows program to write some text into a file it goes like

echo string > location/file.extension

then to make sure that my file created

cat share/file.txt

we can see our file successfully created.

let's move to the right split

docker run --rm --name app_017_2 --volumes-from app_017_1 -exec -it app_017_2 sh

it's a long command but we cover all what those mean already in previous lectures what I care for now --volumes-from app0171 , app0171 is the --name of first container.

inside the shell let's make share that our shared file is here

cat share/file.txt

we can see that we are able to share the files between containers.

This post is also available on DEV.