
this is part 13 from the journey it's a long journey(360 day) so go please check previous parts , and if you need to walk in the journey with me please make sure to follow because I may post more than once in 1 Day but surely I will post daily at least one 😍.

And I will cover lot of tools as we move on.

Download app_013


if you follow part 9

cd location/DevOpsJourney/
git pull
cd app_013

replace location with where you clone the DevOpsJourney repo

if your new go to part 9 and do same steps will download old lecture files and new one.

Build image

docker image build -t app_013 .



first I like to mention that there is no need to docker conatiner you can just put container , docker default option is docker container container-tip

Let's start

let's run our app


docker run -it app_013

-it for interactive with docker

i am using terminator on linux , he give me ability to split the terminal , in case you have a normal terminal open new tab , and run

docker ps

you can see our container is running with name silly_mclaren and it's default name gived by docker to us.


when we enter a input the program the container will shutdown.

to able to see shutdown containers we need container_down

docker ps -a

as we see it's status is exited

to automatically delete the container after it ends do auto_rm

docker run --rm -it app_013
docker ps -a

we can see that he auto remove our container

running in background

to run in background we add -d


docker run -d -it app_013
docker ps

we can see it's running but in background with name amazing_wu


to see our app output (in case of -d) docker logs name

docker logs amazing_wu

to interact with the container that is running in background

docker logs -f amazing_wu

we use -f to do this

Run another one

let's run another container in background also

Alt Text

docker run -d -it app_013

to see the resources used by our containers run

docker logs


to stop a container

docker stop amazing_wu

more about containers

you can do a lot with containers , example we can give a name , not a random one , this is you challange

docker run --name app_013 -it app_013 

more about containers run

docker container --help

or see the docs!

This post is also available on DEV.